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Empowering leaders to be their best selves
Select how Karen can be in support of your success.

Karen's lived leadership experience, academic qualifications and +30 years in professional services bring a unique depth of understanding and support to her coaching clients.
Supporting women with managing menopause in the workplace is best done with someone who understand the issues, mindsets, and systems implications.
Karen's expertise as a Menopause Group Coach, organisational Menopause Champion and Independent Assessor of organisations seeking accreditation as Menopause Friendly Employers, brings exceptional value and insights.

Karen is a well respected keynote presenter, who engages the audience, sharing pragmatic leadership insights.

International award-winning book

Karen's international-award winning book, 'Be your own leadership coach (self-coaching strategies to lead your way)' is increasing the equity of access to self-coaching strategies, and filling the backpacks of leaders with coaching practices.

NOW is the time
to lead your way.
Order Karen's
International Award Winning
book using these links (and be sure to grab one for
your teammate too!)

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